Naomi believes in her art practice being an extension of her lived experience and a constant method of research into the human psyche.
Her choice of materials is as diverse as her subject matter, yet the themes are consistently representative of the aspects she witnesses within her experience of journeying towards good mental-health, being an Australian Woman and her deep respect for the lands she was born into and their original custodians.
Clip 1 explores the process of expanding awareness and demonstrates the conceptual process of challenging internalised limiting beliefs. The performance gives an embodies response to this process and is a metaphor for the challenges that come with personal growth, education and the next steps of actioning these psychological shifts.
Filmed in The Lock-Up art space, a former prison, the piece responds to the space of an incarceration cell and the way we are imprisoned within our own mental constructs.
Latest Work
Longing to Awaken- Interdisciplinary Performance Art & installation
What is the seed of your knowing? How do you encounter the unknown? How do we come to know, what we don’t know, we don’t know….and how do we shift our lives accordingly?
Longing to Awaken looks at the need to deconstruct the mechanisms of our perception that have shaped us collectively and, how our ‘filters’ or belief systems are constructed from what we have been conditioned to ‘see’ as reality.
Naomi Wild’s latest research project is a conversation of conceptual layers against the backdrop of changing physical spaces. Filmed in the Lock-Up Gallery – an old women’s prison in Newcastle – and then ‘translated’ into experiential spaces, site specific for Broken Hill City Gallery.
The symbology of the ‘prison of our minds’ and ‘potential for changing the way we approach our heritage’ are potent in this work. On the back of 22 years of artistic practice, weaving her passion for landscapes of the psyche, heart, and mind, Naomi realises an embodied exploration in her latest exhibition, Longing to Awaken.
The audience is invited into the enquiry, through the simple means of viewing and contemplation. What might it feel like to wake into new ways of being?
Clip 2 Longing to Awaken was filmed in the prison yard, the metaphorical freedom to move…yet still within the walls of some level of confinement.
This next layer of the work explores what it might look like to break free and literally move past the capacity we think we hold for new ideas which lead to new freedoms in our personal lives and broader social and cultural contexts.